Evolution towards the perfect solution

The evolution of knowledge management in the company in pursuit of the "A" rank solution

There are no training systems that we can consider 100% 2.0.

eHabilis, thanks to its Opensource nature, is a platform in constant evolution, seeking to reach a "sapiens" state. With this statement we do not consider that we are throwing stones on our own roof by asserting that we are not perfect, on the contrary, for us to evolve means to improve, seeking the "10" system of knowledge management.


As a result of this concern, we have been reflecting on various aspects that we have encountered in our experience with eHabilis:

  • Participation: One of the aspects that we have discussed most is the systems for monitoring user participation and their contribution of content in training actions. It is certainly important to monitor student participation, but it does not guarantee that participation is of value. In actions with a small number of participants, we will be able to evaluate these contributions but, how to do it in a course of 25000 students in a productive way? And, we throw another question on the air: do we need to control it?
  • How to convince a manager that informal learning is necessary and very useful in his company? The eLearning, the blend learning and face-to-face training are incorporating the different tools provided by the Internet into their dynamics. Each company must build its own learning culture if it is to be competitive. We believe that informal learning should be promoted in corporate training for both employees and managers. Continuing with the anchors to which formal learning subjects us will greatly slow down the acquisition of new knowledge, as this learning is not prepared to keep pace with our information society. With this, we do not want to destroy formal learning, simply complement it with other methods that are not so orthodox, which can differentiate us from other companies.


What can we incorporate into current corporate learning systems?

  • Companies interested in finding solutions to improve the training of their workers and make it as complete as possible, did not hesitate to incorporate different existing tools in the network: wikis, forums, blogs,... We find it a rather uncomfortable "patch" solution, although it has certainly been useful so far. The intention in eHabilis is to be the integral solution, which allows the managers of the formation of the companies to have "all in one", a single platform of integral management of the formation. Human Resources Lords: Forget about multiple users and passwords!
  • We know that corporate learning occurs at a high percentage through interactions with experts (inside and outside the company) and peer interactions. Yes, yes. we can learn from almost anyone, we all have our bit to contribute! The key is to create a learning community within the company itself. Corporate community? Network? Sounds familiar to us...
  • Through the already existing functionalities of our Moodle platform, the services of webinars and training pills already have a very powerful tool if we know how to take advantage of it, but it is not perfect and we know it, that’s why we search and find. Soon you will be able to know a new tool that we will incorporate to eHabilis, that will make us still: stronger and more habilis. Why not concentrate all these tools and manage them from a single interface? We love the modularity of Moodle!


Traditional Solutions: Not no longer fit, just not enough

  • Younger employees are digital natives. What does this mean? Who have grown up posting their story on social media, discovering music on Spotify and learning how to sew on Youtube. They have skills that we didn’t have and hope to find different things. What can we offer them? We can offer you an "on demand" elearning platform with self-generated content. A platform in which content products are developed in a flexible and versatile environment, where the transfer and incorporation of documents, slides, podcasts, videos, spreadsheets... are facilitated. Once this material has been incorporated, it will be part of the company’s intellectual capital on a permanent basis. eHabilis is a platform that already offers these possibilities.


New systems in training

  • Times are changing, tools are changing and changing so are roles. The people in charge of corporate training are no longer developers or transmitters of content, they have become facilitators of that corporate culture.
  • The contents of informal learning are no longer concentrated in a single sage who concentrates knowledge, but is found in the human capital of each organization.
  • In this new context, new functions are created within the framework of corporate formation: to promote, sell and evaluate the success of training actions.


These new informal learning systems save the company money. By empowering our employees to create and share content, their know-how, we are sowing the breeding ground for peer learning, greatly reducing investment in the creation and purchase of content typical of traditional training.

eHabilis wants to be the field you fertilize!

Do you want to enjoy a new model of training and knowledge acquisition?

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