Welcome to eHabilis, un nuevo concepto de aprendizaje y colaboración en la empresa, basado en la gestión del conocimiento y el talento
eHabilis is the platform that allows you to develop a global teleworking system, integrating videoconferencing to organize online seminars, group meetings and digital tutorials.

via interactive, friendly and customized learning content.

Through a gamified learning system that enhances collaboration and overcoming challenges and challenges.

Using multiple channels to share and value the knowledge of our peers in a climate of trust and healthy competition.

Top Ten Talent Summit 2018
eHabilis has been recognized in the Top Ten of Startup Edtech Iberoamerica 2022 by the Innovation Forum for Learning and Development.

eHabilis is an application specially designed to make training processes, talent development and collaboration in organisations more effective.

We improve traditional training processes with a global approach to knowledge management, more personalized, friendly and interactive.

We generate tangible habits and behaviors that can be transferred to each job function, making knowledge the real engine of your organization.

We create collaboration dynamics and integrate functionalities that allow us to know how knowledge is applied in the workplace.

We measure and monitor our company’s knowledge through a scorecard, which allows us to make strategic decisions with all the relevant information in hand.
Top Ten Talent Summit 2018
En nuestro ADN está crear aplicaciones y servicios para la adquisición de conocimiento por empresas, administraciones públicas e instituciones educativas, implementando los estándares tecnológicos y de interoperabilidad más reconocidos del mercado.
Buscamos la excelencia en eLearning y la Gestión del Conocimiento, tanto en la elaboración de contenidos formativos digitales accesibles, amigables, e interactivos, como en las herramientas de monitorización de datos y transformación de los mismos en nuevo conocimiento.
Are you a school, academy or university and want to improve your online training model?
We have an optimal solution for you. eHabilis Academic> integrates the philosophy of eHabilis by opting for an accessible, interactive and digital training model adapted to all types of devices.
Ehabilis Academic gathers the peculiarities of an academic organization: management of pre-registrations, an author’s tool for creating ad-hoc digital learning content, repository of learning training documents or meeting the requirements of the FUNDAE Foundation.
If you are planning to incorporate or promote your online training platform, please contact us. Surely by concept, functionalities and prices we will surprise you.
NewOn February 18th and 19th, we will present the latest updates from eHabilis University, including the internship management module and the AI-based chatbot for students.
The alliances reached in the first quarter of 2020 strengthen the implementation of eHabilis in Peru, Chile, Brazil or Mexico
NewThe eHabilis platform has decided to make the video conferencing system available to its clients free of charge.
SDWEB Solucións Dixitais, S.L., en el marco del programa ICEX Next, ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER. La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y su entorno.